When is the Best Time to Practice Tai Chi and/or Qigong?

There is a lot of disagreement and some controversy regarding when you should practice Tai Chi and/or Qigong. Before we go any further, let me say this: that you practice is more important than when you practice.

The actual time of the morning recommended frequently differs but, many practitioners prefer morning because:

  • The air is cleaner (especially in the city), unless you live in the country where wood smoke might be an issue in the morning. Of note: data from Beijing shows that pollution is higher in the morning and lower in the afternoon.

  • Morning practice can set the tone for the day. Morning workouts “kickstart your metabolism” and keeps it going.

  • You are more likely to practice before the busyness of the day takes over. This is likely true because you may come home from work or school too tired to practice.

  • You build a routine, which becomes a habit and you will practice more consistently.

  • Your body is fresh, rested, and, hopefully, refueled!

  • Morning practice can warm up your body and energize your mind.

  • Of note (but not a compelling argument) in China people usually practice between 6 and 7 am.

When Professor Cheng Man Ching was questioned, he was adamant about not doing “anything else when you arise, just get to the morning round of Tai Chi”. He also declared that if he had to choose between breakfast and Tai Chi, he would “gladly miss breakfast”.

Interestingly, some “authorities” advise practicing before breakfast and conflicting advise for practicing after breakfast!

On the flip side, evening practice can help you wind down, replenish your body, and prepare for sleep. Tai Chi and/or Qigong do this much better and is healthier than turning to alcohol! Note: some people get revved up by Tai Chi and/or Qigong, while others wind down. You need to decide what works best for you.

And here’s advice with a more exacting perspective:

  • Practice one half hour after rising in the morning (between 5 and 7 am) and at night (between 11 pm and 1 am).

  • Practice daily at the same time and place.

  • Practice the same movements over and over again until you master them.

Bill Douglas, co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tai Chi & Qigong, advises practicing 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Do you have the time? To Bill, the real problem isn’t not having enough time, it’s “deciding to do it”. He even suggests keeping a calendar where you mark an “X” each day that you practice. The idea being that you will want to “keep the string going”.

As you can see by now, there are many different opinions and/or perspectives as to the right time to practice. Keep in mind that you need daily practice in order to see real progress!

No matter if you do it in the morning or the evening, or both, doing some Tai Ch and/or Qigong daily is better than none! It is much better to do a little bit each day than 2 or more hours one day and then none for the next week or so. Remember that practice is going to benefit you mentally, spiritually, and physically whenever you do it.

At this point, I thought I would throw in an opinion (not mine, although it makes complete sense to me) on how much to do when you do practice: Practice the Tai Chi form a minimum of 3 times. “Once to notice the mistakes, then the next time to work on them”, and the final time to enjoy it.

The goal is to make practicing a habit and a lifelong journey!

So let’s get to it and stop procrastinating!

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What and Where is the Lao Gong?

The Lao Gong or Pericardium 8 meridian is also also known as the “Palace of Anxiety”. It is the eight point of the heart master channel and is a key point for healing work and Qigong practice. Lao (labor or toil) and Gong (palace) means “Palace of Toil” or palace of labor. The Pericardium is the sac that encases and protects the heart - thus the “Palace”. The Lao Gong is also one of the most powerful acupuncture/acupressure points and is also considered a minor chakra.

Acupressure and acupuncture are forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based on the meridians in the body. Qi (energy) flows along the meridians thoughout your body. Stimulating certain points along these energy pathways can correct imbalances in the mind, the body, and the spirit.

The Lao Gong is located at the center of the palm where the tip of the middle finger touches the palm when you make a fist. In Classical texts it is located where the tip of the ring finger meets the palm when we make a fist (between the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones). Either location can be used.

The Lao Gong emits and absorb Qi. Your instructor may have instructed you to open your hands to collect energy (i.e., gathering Qi) or possibly cupping your hands to push energy down into our bodies (washing hands down the body). These movements open the Lao Gong points in our palms as we spread out and open our fingers. Also consider the movements we make when we push with our hands. Here we are pushing out energy through our Lao Gong points.

There is an excellent saying by Hilmar Fuchs: “In Tai Chi we don’t keep energy selfishly. We just borrow it for a moment and then give it back to the universe. We connect heaven and earth through ourselves (human).”

The Lao Gong has many functions:

  • Removes excess heat in the body.

  • Relieves mouth or tongue ulcers and cold sores.

  • Relieves fevers which damage the yin.

  • Cools the blood in the stool or urine and nosebleeds.

  • Can increase internal energy.

  • Calms a restless mind.

  • Warms cold hand

  • Many other functions.

The Lao Gong is also the “power point for balancing the Fire Element”. If there is an imbalance in your Fire Element, you may feel depressed and without joy in your life. Stimulating the Lao Gong can restore your vitality and happiness while also protecting your tender or sensitive heart.

The Lao Gong can be stimulated to ease anxiety and clear inflammation. Here are two ways simple ways to activate the Lao Gong:

  • Rest one of your hands with the palm up on top of the fingers and palm of the other hand. Now reach the bottom thumb into the palm of the top hand and with the end or tip of your thumb apply moderate pressure while moving in small circles. Be sure to focus on the point mentally.

  • Put both palms together like you are praying in front of your heart center. Now separate them about an inch from each other while moving them in small circles while focusing your attention on the space in between while maintaining the 1 inch distance. Do this about 10 to 15 times. Your eyes can be closed or open but the attention should be on the space between the palms.

  • You can also use your thumb of your other hand to press into the Lao Gong. Hold this pressure point for a few minutes until you feel your anxiety decrease. You can do this for each hand.

Notice what you feel….hot, tingling, heaviness, magnetic force or something else.

When the Lao Gong points are activated, Qi flows from the palms and can be used for Qigong healing techniques. People often use it for self healing. The exercises above are certainly worth trying. Just be sure to focus on what you are doing. You may be surprised at how quickly your anxiety decreases.

A few words of caution. In Qigong healing (as well as acupuncture and acupressure) knowledge, training, and experience is absolutely necessary. It’s absolutely apropriate to try the above exercises to decrease your anxiety, restless mind, cold hands, etc. However, attempting to actually “heal” someone else or yourself of more is not recommended. It would be wiser to seek a qualified Qigong Healer, Acupuncture, and/or Acupressure professional.

May you be peaceful and free from anxiety.

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Some Important Pointers and Guidelines from the Masters

Before we discuss the guidelines, let’s look at the history of the Classics. As usual, whenever something is attributed to a “legendary” ancient Master, the authenticity comes into question. The Tai Chi Classics are no different. Keep in mind that that does not mean that they are less valuable. The guidelines from Yang Cheng-Fu (best known teacher of Yang style Tai Chi and author of Yang’s Ten Important Points) are some of the most well known.

Let’s also look at guidelines left by legendary Chinese Taoist Chang San-Feng of Wu Dang Mountain (also spelled Zhang San Feng, Chang San-Feng). The first classic, The Book of Tai Chi Chuan Ching, is attributed to Chang San-Feng. It details how a practitioner should move when practicing. Many believe San-Feng invented Tai Chi Chuan. Others sources believe early versions of Tai Chi predate him. Because he was believed to have achieved mortality, San-Feng left guidelines to help people everywhere to achieve longevity. The authenticity of many of these ancient documents apparently are questioned, especially by the Chen Family.

Below are some of the most accepted guidelines (no matter their lineage) attributed to Yang Cheng-Fu and/or Chang San-Feng.

  • Full/Substantial (Yang) or Empty/Insubstantial (Yin) Stepping: Being able to distinguish between the two is a fundamental principle and should be clearly differentiated. It is very important in order for your movements to be light, stable, and flowing. Otherwise, they will become heavy, unstable, and clumsy.

  • The head must be erect, at ease, and feel light and sensitive. The neck should be straight but relaxed. The back of the neck will be stiff with impeded circulation of Qi and blood if force is used. Don’t clench your teeth or assume an angry look. Your tongue should lightly touch your upper palate just behind your teeth. Tailbone slightly tucked.

  • Very slight drawing in of the chest in order to allow the Qi to sink to the Dantian. Do not puff your chest out or sink so far it is concave. Raise the back very slightly like a cat ready to pounce on it’s prey.

  • Relax and loosen the waist to stabilize your legs in order to issue power. Moving the waist assists in changing from full to empty stepping. A relaxed waist allows the feet to have power and the foundation to stay stable.

  • The shoulders should relax and sink (hand downwards). With raised shoulders the body loses some of its power and will not root.

  • The elbows must be relaxed and point downwards. If the are raised, the shoulders will be tense and lose their power.

  • Remain tranquil and relaxed even when you are moving. Moving slower is better in order to keep your pulse rate from rising and will enable deep and long breathing which allows your Qi to sink to the Dantian. This also prevents the Qi from rising up instead of down.

  • The postures and alignment should be “without defect”.

  • Movements are motivated by mind/intention. Not externally.

  • Awareness in the body only comes about when it is loose and relaxed. Tension and/or force will inhibit Qi flow, freedom of movement, sensitivity, and agility. With a relaxed body and mind, where your mind goes, your Qi will follow.

  • Coordinate the upper and lower body with the root being in the feet, up through the legs, controlled by the waist and expressed through the hands and fingers. In other words, movements are harmonized and synchronized. The gaze follows as well.

  • Uniting the internal and external - the spirit leads the body.

  • Continuity of movements without stopping. In other words, moving like all your parts are “threaded together”. The Form should not become disconnected.

As you see, many guidelines relate to moving your body as a whole (or unit). While the choreography of Tai Chi is very pleasing to the eye, it takes more in order for the moves to become truly “Tai Chi Chuan”.

While the list is long, one suggestion is to take a few of the posture guidelines to work on first until they become ingrained. Then add those involving actually moving the body. No matter what you do, don’t rush. That would be counterproductive.

It always bears repeating: Practice, practice, practice!

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What are the Tai Chi Classics?

I am fairly sure that you have heard me and other Tai Chi/Qigong Instructors mention the “Tai Chi Classics” numerous times. Perhaps you are wondering what they are.

Throughout the centuries - starting with Chang Sang-feng (founder of Tai Chi), legendary ancient Masters have passed their wisdom and understanding (often secretly) from generation to generation and to their students. First this was done orally. Over the last 200 years or so (starting in the mid 1930’s), over 100 articles have been documented. These articles detail the Masters personal understanding of the Tai Chi principles, guidelines, or standards for correct Tai Chi practice. These principles and guidelines trace back to the Chen and Yang family (mid 19th century) and are considered the foundation of Tai Chi.

These writings about the understanding and developments of the principles come from proponents of all Tai Chi Styles. Not one of these Masters assert that one style is better than another. They are merely another learning opportunity. Unfortunately, they were frequently written using “prehistoric mystic terminology” from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoism, and Tai Chi Chuan’s philosophical roots.

There are eight classic Tai Chi texts today. The first three are often referred to as the Tai Chi Bible:

  • The Book of Tai Chi Chuan Ching - Chang San-feng - emphasizes the form and how the Tai Chi practitioner should move.

  • The Treatise of Tai Chi Chuan - Wang Tsung-yeuh - focuses on the philosophical principles including the martial applications.

  • Expositions of Insights into the Practice of the Thirteen Postures - either Wang Chen-yeuth or Wu Yu-hsiang (differing opinions) - focuses on Qi (Chi), it’s functions, and the inner processes of Tai Chi.

The other books are:

  • Song of the Thirteen Postures - Wu Yu-hsiang

  • Song of Push Hands - author unknown

  • Five Character Secret - Li I-yu

  • Essentials of the Practice of Form and Push Hands - Li I-yu

  • Yang’s Ten Important Points - Yang Cheng-fu

These texts are very difficult to translate and, as you would expect, numerous translations, including The Essence of T’a Chi Ch’uan: The Literary Tradition. In addition to ancient language, these Masters often used metaphors to explain the skills and qualities that were and are difficult to put into words or to understand intellectually. For example,

  • Smoothness and whole body movement may be described as “flowing like a river”or “an ocean rolling ceaselessly”, etc.

  • Increased sensitivity and responsiveness may be described as “an eagle gliding serenely on the wind”.

  • Posture may be described as “balanced like a scale”

  • Controlled power and alertness as “the placid cat ready to pounce on the scurrying mouse.”

  • Elasticity and resilience as “an accordion, folding and unfolding.”

Combining a study and understanding of the classics, along with patiently practicing the postures and sequences will eventually lead you towards mastering Tai Chi. However, reading all 100 plus articles would be a huge task. Depending on your interest, you could pick a few to study.

In the next blog we will look at some of the most relevant ones, which should give you a solid start on your journey.

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Should Our Eyes Be Open or Closed When Practicing Qigong?

As we discussed in the last two blogs, eyes play a vital part in any martial arts practice. Vision is a very strong stimulus and directing your gaze is very effective for directing your energy.

Whether or not you should practice Qigong with your eyes open or closed is not a simple question. It depends, first of all, on whether the practitioner is experienced or a novice/beginner. It also depends on your purpose for practicing Qigong. And last, but not least, it depends on the health condition of the practitioner.

Qigong can be practiced with the eyes open or closed. Some Qigong exercises clearly state whether they eyes should be open or closed, while others do not. When trying to decide to practice Qigong with or without your eyes open, the following information may help you make a better decision.

As you probably know, where you focus your mind (with your eyes open), your energy will go in the direction of your visual awareness. A good example is focusing your vision and energy on one of your limbs. This will cause neural pathways to open, sending awareness, blood, and energy to that limb. This is one of the reasons for directing your vision/energy towards your moving hand (or other body part) in some exercises. This focus guides the energy flow where you intend it to go.

Looking in different directions also causes different parts of our brains to become more active. Yet another reason why certain Qigong exercises are very specific about how or where you should direct your gaze. Some of these are quite subtle while others are very obvious. One example is “Punching with Angry Eyes” in the 8 Section Brocades (Ba Duan Jin).

On the other hand, with your eyes closed and the visual stimulus removed, your attention turns inward. This will cause the energy to be directed towards the internal body and it’s processes. The focus will be directed within.

Eyes open:

  • Energy goes where you focus your mind (visual awareness).

  • You are able to watch your instructor/teacher (especially important if you are a new student).

  • Helps you to self correct (balance, direction, stance, etc.)

  • Energy is more active - YANG

  • Lets in light.

  • Liver tends to become activated.

  • There is a tendency to feel safer and more in control.

  • It can also be distracting, especially to a beginner.

  • Looking upwards is more YANG and it generally raises our energy.

  • Looking down is generally more YIN and our energy descends and we become more receptive to earth energy. Caution: watch your neck and head alignment.

Eyes closed:

  • Visual stimulus removed so attention and focus is turned inward.

  • Chatter in mind decreases and you can calm down easier.

  • Breathing tends to be slower and deeper.

  • The energy is directed towards the internal body.

  • Enhances inner cultivation of body energy and consciousness.

  • Energy is more passive - YIN

  • Can make you sleepy

If you would like to turn your focus inward but it is inappropriate, dangerous, or you are surrounded by items or walls, etc that you can bump into, try softening your focus or even partially closing your eyes. Occasionally, it is not a bad idea to practice with your eyes closed, whether or not you are a beginner. This will also help your grounding and the ability to be present in the moment. You can experiment by using your eyes in different ways.

If your eyes get tense in class, stop and close them for a short period of time. You may also keep your eyes partially closed/open. We discussed this soft focus in my September 12, 2021 blog.

Whether you decide to practice with your eyes open or closed, be sure to start and end your practice or training with your eyes closed, either sitting or standing. Concentrate on your breathing and letting your Qi settle. Many practitioners prefer to do this with their hands folded over the Dantian (center of energy).

Didn’t I tell you eyes open or closed wasn’t a simple question? The best answer is “it depends!

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Should Our Eyes Be Open or Closed While Practicing Tai Chi?

In our last blog, we’ve discussed our gaze (soft or hard) and where we should look when we practice Tai Chi. Now it’s time to answer the question: should our eyes be open or closed when we practice?

Students ask if it’s harmful to close their eyes when they practice. Some instructors are very much against it because it is important where we look. Others feel it can be appropriate in the right circumstances.

It really depends on why your are learning Tai Chi. If you are learning for the martial or self-defense aspect, it would certainly appear to be counter-productive. If you ever needed to use Tai Chi to defend yourself, it would not be a advisable to close your eyes! For self-defense purposes, it is imperative to know where you are looking and why! Simply put, if you don’t see what’s going on, you will definitely get hit!

In addition, your eyes will give you tons of data, such as if are you balanced, your position, what direction you’re facing, information about your stance, your alignment, and so much more. In my experience, students often think their feet and body are facing one direction and when they look down, they discover otherwise. When the eyes are closed, postures tend to lose their frame. Keeping your eyes open allows you to self-correct, as may be necessary.

Have you ever practiced in a room with mirrors? Mirrors are an excellent idea because they alert you to the need for self-correction. You may find that what you think you look like is not accurate!

As previous mentioned, according to the Essential Tai Chi Principles, the eyes help unite the mind and the body as we move.Last but not least, the eyes are necessary when it comes to intention in Tai Chi as we discussed in previous blogs! The mind-intent concept:: eyes connect with the mind, the movement, and the flow of Qi.

Now let’s look on the flip side, can closing your eyes be of any help?

Yes, closing your eyes can give you a good sense of your balance, which is why many doctors will have you stand with your eyes closed! It’s also a good way to check and train your proprioception. However, moving around doing form is quite different than standing in a static position.

Bottom line; when practicing Tai Chi it would seem to be more beneficial to keep your eyes open for a myriad of reasons.

The same answer does not necessarily apply to Qigong as we will see in the next blog.

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Where Should Our Eyes Look When We Practice Tai Chi?

According to the Essential Tai Chi Principles, the eyes help unite the mind and the body as we move. So, how do we use our eyes in our Tai Chi and/or Qigong practice?

As you would expect, just like there are many different forms, interpretations, variations, and ways of practicing, there are many different opinions!

When we are talking about our eyes in martial arts, we need to first discuss vision. Vision can be divided into “Hard” or “Soft”. In hard vision, your eyes are fixated on a particular object or small region. There is very little regard for the periphery. The head is stationary and the eyes are fairly immobile. It makes sense then that this usually produces great clarity. Interestingly, when we get anxious or excited, we, unfortunately, tend to use hard vision and fixate our eyes, which can result in eye strain.

Soft eyes are considered “yin eyes”. With soft vision, there is no fixation and all the data that enters the field of vision is processed. There is less clarity and detail. However, the eyes and neck are more relaxed. This is usually the preferred method and has often been referred to as “seeing without looking”. When you are using soft eyes, you can even allow your eyelids to close slightly (no more than 1/4 to 1/3 of the way) as you allow your peripheral vision to widen.

When your body is erect, keep your eyes soft and look forward on the horizon beyond the forward fingers. Remember that each hand should be seen (including peripherally) at all times. Allow your eyes to drop, rise, and sweep naturally during your movements. This will allow your eyes to release tension that can cause stress and strain.

Some styles such as Yang have very specific methods for using the eyes. According to Yang Chen Fu: “The eyes should look forward levelly” through the hand in front (not fixed). They follow the main hand movement. The body moves and the eyes follow. Whatever direction the body faces, the eyes look in that direction. The eyes are the mind’s “focal point” and the intent must be consistent with the gaze. According to Yang Chen Fu, when the eyes and the movements are not in accordance, the internal and external are not in agreement.

As you might expect, several Masters teach that the head, and body are usually turned in the same direction, although the head does not move on it’s own. Soft vision is directed straight ahead. They also state that the nose and navel (Dantian) point in the same direction. However, there are several postures where the nose points in the direction of the stance while the navel (Dantian) points at an angle. Trying to point them in the same direction can cause damage to the knee.

Another suggested method is where the eyes face the direction of the finished stance. Some consider this a method for stimulating Qi flow. Again, soft vision is used.

In Tai Chi, we are most often taught that the eyes follow the lead hand, but they do not focus on it. The area to focus softly on is just beyond the hand and a bit ahead of it, in the direction of where the hand is going. Always remember to keep your other hand in your peripheral vision. Eventually, with consistent practice, this becomes more of a mental, not visual, focus. This method is frequently taught and used in the martial and health practices.

Just like in health, in martial practice, the eyes should either be looking forward or be following the lead hand. This allows focus and control over each move. However, during actual combat or combat practice, the eyes need to be focused on the opponent at all times. Sounds like a no-brainer to me!

That leaves us with an unanswered question, which is the lead hand? Sometimes it’s obvious. Sometimes it’s not! Unfortunately, there is no one answer. It depends on the form, style, interpretation, and the particular posture!

No matter which method you are taught, the mind-intent concept is consistent: eyes connect with the mind, the movement, and the flow of Qi. This allows everything to move in a unified manner - What in Tai Chi is considered “whole body movement”.

The old saying “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way” is very applicable to Tai Chi practice!

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Tai Chi or Qigong's Effect on Heart Rate Variability

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is sometimes referred to as cardiac autonomic control or parasympathetic modulation.

Sounds pretty technical doesn’t it! Let’s look at it in layman’s (layperson’s) terms.

You probably know that the relaxation and contraction of the heart is known as heart rhythm. Rhythm is the response of the heart muscle to electrical signals coming from special cells and fibers in the upper and low chambers of the heart. The rate is usually somewhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

It wasn’t until fairly recently that doctors and researchers realized that there are slight differences in time between each beat (HRV). Put simply, HRV is the amount of time between each heartbeat. There is normally some variability in the time between the beats which can be the result of numerous different factors, but often vagus nerve activity.

You may wonder why you should care about HRV!

In essence, HRV is the balance between the parasympathetic (PNS) and sympathetic (SNS) nervous systems. Together they make up our autonomic nervous system (ANS). Here’s a brief description of what the ANS does: it regulates heart beat, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, digestion, breathing, and other basic life-sustaining functions of the body. The ANS is involved in all diseases. According to Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, a poorly balanced autonomic system results in a variety of physical and/or psychological problems. Some of these physical illnesses include heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, migraines, and other forms of chronic pain.

Let’s look at the psychological effects of unbalanced SNS and PNS: When we inhale, we stimulate the SNS and our heart rate increases. When we exhale we stimulate the PNS, our heart rate decreases. When the SNS and PNS are balanced, our “arousal modulation” gives us control over our emotions and impulses, if and when, we encounter minor frustrations and disappointments. We can then calmly assess what is going on and choose how we want to respond. Those with a poorly balanced (or modulated) autonomic nervous system are easily thrown off balance both mentally (and physically) and are at high risk for psychological illness. Psychological illness can include depression, anxiety, mood swings, PTSD, and more.

The concept of measuring heart rate variability is now an accepted method to determine cardiac health and resilience in humans. HRV allows a doctor or researcher to measure the autonomic system (both PNS and SNS) velocity to detect and/or respond to unexpected stimuli. Yep! More technical jargon!

Measuring HRV helps show how the cardiovascular system adapts to changes caused by the environment. High HRV indicates a healthy adaptability and ability to function at a higher level and recover quickly from a stressful situation. Low HRV makes one less resilient and more susceptible to the consequences of stress as well as a wide range of disease. In times of stress, anger, depression, and so on, HRV is quite low. However, when you are calm and happy, your HRV is higher which translates to better cardiac health. As your mood improves, your cardiac health improves!

Here’s the bad news: HRV tends to decrease with age! Therefore, methods, particularly non-pharmacologic, to increase HRV are sought after and researched.

You might now wonder what this has to do with Tai Chi and/or Qigong!

Mindful awareness (as with mind/body exercises) encourages focusing on breath and relaxation and has a significant positive influence on HRV. Tai Chi, Qigong, and Yoga are good examples of mindfulness exercises which reduce stress and negative emotions. In this way, they help to improve the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

There have been several studies done on the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong in HRV. A 2005 study published in the American Journal of Chinese medicine compared external Qigong with a placebo controlled group. The Qigong Qi therapy reduced the heart rate and increased the HRV greater than the control group. Researchers determined that external Qigong stabilized the sympathovagal function and cardiac autonomic nervous system. Qigong also stabilized the emotions of the participant.

A 2014 quasi-experimental study of middle and elderly people showed that after 12 weeks of Qigong, the experimental group exhibited significantly improved HRV, as well as peripheral vasomotor responses. The control group continued with their normal daily activities with little to no HRV improvement. A 2016 study compared HRV using Tai Chi versus arm ergometer cycling. The researchers concluded that Tai Chi, perhaps because of the mind component, could be more beneficial for older adults cardiac health. Both a 2016 systemic review of Tai Chi and it’s effects on HRV and a systemic review in 2017 of Qigong showed improved HRV.

Unfortunately, most of the studies were fairly small and often prospective. They also used different types of Tai Chi and Qigong, instrumentation, time intervals, and age groups. For scientific purposes, it is important to use the same parameters in order to confirm the benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong on HRV. Longer times of practice, equal time intervals, same martial art/Qigong form, larger sample size, and same measuring instrumentation are needed in order to provide a scientifically valid study. While more rigorous testing is needed regarding Tai Chi and Qigong’s impact on HRV, the evidence is strongly in favor of these mindfulness exercises ability to raise HRV.

Of course, we also need to recognize that there are other ways of increasing HRV: having a healthy diet, improved sleep, and positive lifestyle changes. Both the exercise component and controlled breathing of mindfulness exercises reduce stress which plays a major role in controlling HRV.

So now you have even more reasons to keep up your regular practice. If you aren’t currently practicing (or practicing intermittently), here is another reason to make it a priority! Your heart, body, and brain will all benefit!

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The Tai Chi Salute or Greeting

As you would expect, there are many interpretations, variations, meanings, and legends surrounding what is known as the Tai Chi/Kung Fu/Qigong/Wushu Salute. Because there are so many variations, we will only look at a few of the most common ones.

The Salute is essentially a form of respect. It’s used when entering or leaving your practice area, when you greet your Master, instructor, or other practitioners, or where deemed appropriate by a particular school or martial art. The origination of the Salute is also debated.


The Salute is said to have started during the Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. According to the earliest copy of the Chinese classic “Tao Te Ching”, it dates back to the 5th-6th Century BC. Another story regarding the origin is that the Salute was taken from the North Shaolin Temple Salute and in 1986, was standardized by the people’s Republic of China. Another states that is the Tai Chi Salute story is based on the Red Faced General (Guan Kung) who proclaimed that across the universe we are all equal brothers or sisters. In his fighting, he demonstrated that the Chinese culture includes respect, humility, and politeness.

Meaning and Representations:

The left palm represents humility, especially with the thumb tucked in. In this interpretation, the Salute is said to represent Five Continents and Four Oceans, meaning the entire world being one family or friends without judgment. When the left hand covers the right fist, it shows self-control, discipline, and humility. This is a sign of assurance that to stop or avoid a fight is the ultimate way/goal of martial arts.

The left fist (infelicitous salute) is only used during such things as funerals to show condolences, can also be used to disrespect someone or even to fight to the death. If you hold a weapon, keep your right hand open to show decency or that you are not hiding any weapons (except those you carry on your left).

Interestingly, in ancient times, women saluted with the right palm and left fist. This was known as the (Wanfu Salute). Fortunately, that has evolved in the modern world and both genders use the right fist.

Another interpretation of the Salute meaning is that the five fingers of the right fist represent five lakes because in ancient Chinese geography there were only five main lakes. The four straight fingers of the left hand represent the four seas (East, West, South, and North). Again, the gist is that “All men are brothers.”

According to the Confucian interpretation, the right hand represent the martial component of a martial artist. The left represents the person’s scholarly aspects. As we examine this interpretation, we observe that the closed fist is rigid which is an accepted symbol for violence and the inability for gentleness and learning new things. The open left hand symbolizes openness, respect, courtesy, etc. The message here is that the person is capable of martial conflict but will refrain from it as a sign of respect and courtesy.

According to two other interpretations, the open left palm is the Sun (Yang) and the closed right fist is the moon (Yin). The Salute being the balance between the two. Another is that the open left palm means strength and wisdom and the closed right fist means your art. Together being respect for and honoring others.

The common denominator in any of the interpretations of the Salute is the one overriding meaning - respect!

Most Accepted Method of Saluting:

  • The right hand is a clenched fist

  • The left hand is a palm to cover the right fist but fingers are stacked and not flexed (fist is not covered by fingers)

  • Just the palm of the left hand is placed over the fist

  • The fist and palm is about 8 to 12 inches from the chest, elbows are bent, with arms forming a circle

  • Holding your arms below chest level indicates that you are superior. This is considered an insult unless you are sure it’s true!

  • The feet are together, knees straight, erect posture, and eyes are focused on the person being saluted.

Interestingly, the left thumb is bent for humility. Chinese people point to themselves with their thumb. A straight thumb in Chinese culture means “I’m number one!”.

In modern society, the Salute is used almost exclusively in the martial arts community. The handshake has replaced the Salute in much of society.

With Covid and the pervasive pandemic issues, perhaps the handshake is not such a good idea! For health and safety, a Salute showing respect might be more appropriate today!

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The Importance of Rooting in Tai Chi and Qigong

Rooting is an essential part of Tai Chi and/or Qigong and affects our every action. Rooting ensures a good connection to the ground and enables all movement. Actually, having a good root is important in life as well because everyone and everything must have strong, firm base.

So let’s consider why it’s important, the mechanics involved, and how to ensure a good root!

Obviously, the practitioner must be balanced and upright (meaning the back is straight). Then it’s necessary to physically sink the body weight in order to root. In other words, sinking the Qi to the Dantian. This allows the power generated by the feet to be transferred to the upper body. The upper body is “empty” and the lower body is now “full” allowing the entire body to be connected and work together.

The upright spine is directly over the full foot and over your “Bubbling Well”. Remember that the Bubbling Well works with energy circulation, not physical movements or action. The weight is on the outer edges of the foot and the root will be 3 points (or as they are frequently called “ the 3 Nails”).One should visualize rooting below the floor or ground, similar to the roots of a tree. Obviously, the deeper the root, the stronger the tree.

Rooting requires ground connection of 3 points (or Nails):

  • the ball of the foot,

  • the heel, and

  • the big or great toe.

These 3 points or Nails are frequently encountered in our everyday life for such actions as walking, turning, etc. They grip the earth like nails. The points or Nails “propel the un-rooted foot forward in order to take a step”. They also help us turn to a different direction, run, or jump. They also absorb the impact of these actions. Although very few people realize it, all sports actually rely on the 3 Nails!

Contrary to statements in the Tai Chi Classics, according to Grandmaster William C. C. Chen, the “3 Nails of the foot”, not the waist, are in command. However, the Nails cannot be activated without the Dantian. Here’s how it works, according to Grandmaster Chen: the mind sends the signal to the Nails and the Dantian compresses the energy down to activate the Nails, which in turn transmits the signal through the thigh to the fingers, palms, fists, or the other foot for action to take place, and the body follows. While the waist turn is easy to observe, the activity of the 3 Nails is hidden under the foot and quite subtle.

The great toe leads the action with power being supplied by the ball of the foot. These are the active Nails. The heel is the anchor because it not only stabilizes the body, but holds it’s weight as well.

Gripping the floor/earth in Tai Chi or Qigong is necessary in order to root and stabilize the body. This gripping as stimulates the acupuncture/meridian channels in the feet. Do not curl the toes under to grip because that causes the balls of the feet to tighten, creates tension and lack of flexibility in the arch, contracts the foot, and tenses the front of the calf. Doing so makes balance more difficult as well as tightens the ankle. Take care not to over-relax the knee, or sink too much into the rooted leg. This causes stress on the knee joint and strain on the knees supportive muscles.

Training to maintain a “good root” can take years to obtain but is essential in order for the other parts of the body to be relaxed and move freely. When you are rooted on the 3 Nails, the body will be relaxed, the root will stay firm, inner energy will flow, and your movements will be slow and fluid!

This is Tai Chi at it’s best!

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What and Where is the Bubbling Well (Bubbling Springs)?

The Bubbling Well (also known as the Bubbling Springs) is a point on the sole of the foot, just in front of the arch and centered side to side. It is lateral to the back of the ball of the foot. The Bubbling Well is also known as Yong Quan. In Chinese “Yong” translates to gush, surge, or well up and “Quan” translates to spring. The Bubbling Well is where we establish our root (or earth connection). Through the Bubbling Well, we connect with the earth’s energy which stablizes and energizes us. Qi bubbles upward from the bottom of our feet, through the legs, and into the lower Dantian. According to Grandmaster William C. C. Chen, it is a single point, which is great for energy circulation, and “the beginning of an important meridian”, namely the kidney meridian. The Bubbling Well is a water element and where the kidney meridian emerges on the sole of the foot.

The Bubbling Well is a physical concept based on the biomechanics of the human foot, which has 52 bones and various types of connective tissue. It is a balance, weight and energetic point or gate and an essential part of our foundation. . Grandmaster Cheng, Man-ching called the Bubbling Well (plus the Dantian and the crown of the head) the Three Treasures. Even though it is extremely important in Tai Chi and Qigong, the Bubbling Well does not control or produce physical actions nor movements.

“Place your weight into the Bubbling Well.”

Early in their training, most new students are often instructed to place their weight into the “Bubbling Well”. This is the foundation of the principle of working with energy in Tai Chi and Qigong. When you place your weight into the Bubbling Well, the foot structure expands and stores energy. When you remove your weight the Bubbling Well rebounds which sends energy up into your legs. This is why the root is considered to be in the feet. The more frequently you place your weight in the “Bubbling Well”, the more you condition your feet to store energy because the movement shapes the structure. In addition, your overall health will benefit as well.

In Tai Chi and Qigong in order for the weight of the upper body to be aligned correctly, the weight must be aligned on the Bubbling Well. The foot, however, must feel soft and relaxed which indicates correct upper and lower body alignment and balance. This awareness is an extremely important indicator of the correct body relationship. This alignment is what allows “Earth Qi” to rise up and enter the body. Poor balance and/or tense feet block the flow of energy. Balance is important because poor balance is the cause of about 80% of our muscular usage. This can result in strains, sprains, and other issues of the musculoskeletal system.

This is also why I (and other instructors) strongly recommend proper, flat soled shoes. Shoes with a raised heel, heavily cushioned sole, or those that are narrow and short in the toes prevent the internal structure of your feet from moving when you put our weight into the Bubbling Well. Not having your weight placed properly will also interfere with the natural balance of the energy store and release structure of the feet. While cushioning in footwear will absorb energy, it will not return it effectively. The best shoes are those that protect the surface of your feet but allows room for your foot to expand in the weight-bearing phase.

In Tai Chi and Qigong, we absorb, store and send out energy. The Bubbling Well helps us do that efficiently.

So how do you know when your weight is in the “Bubbling Well”? When your weight is on your entire foot and you cannot pick up your toes or heels without shifting your weight, you are in the Bubbling Well!

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How Often and Long Should We Practice Tai Chi or Qigong?

I (and other instructors) are frequently asked by students how long and often they should practice.Unfortunately, there is no formula nor one size that fits all. We don’t all have the same bodies, stamina, capacity, health, drive, dedication, physical condition, and so on. It also depends on what your objectives and goals are, as well as how much time and effort you are willing and able to commit.

For a beginner, 20-30 minutes a day should help you learn postures, principles, and to develop muscle memory over time. If you can’t practice every day, at least 2-3 times a week will suffice, although muscle memory will take longer to develop. Although most instructors say at least 15 to 20 minutes a day, some Masters suggest repeating a posture a “hundred times to make it stick”!

Bruce Frantzis, who has been teaching for over 50 years, believes that it is up to the individual to learn how much time they should devote to practice. His belief is that what we choose ourselves has much more power than someone’s advice, some formula, etc. If, however, you have been at a workshop, retreat, or special training, then Frantzis recommends practicing what you learned daily for 3 weeks to a month in order for it to sink in.

According to Dr. Paul Lam, Director of Tai Chi for Health Institute, the elderly and people with chronic conditions need to gradually build up the length and number of practice sessions,. He suggests gradually building up and aiming for about 30-60 minutes most days of the week.

It’s also important that your practice be as consistent as possible. Being a Tai Chi weekend warrior is not likely to help your body or your form, if that’s all you practice. The same is true if you only practice in class (once per week). Students often do not practice between classes and then wonder why it is taking them so long to remember the postures and why they are not improving. Without practicing between classes, you will be unlikely to develop muscle memory or a comfort level with the postures and/or form. This is true of any exercise, not just Tai Chi.

According to Bill Douglas, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tai Chi & Qigong, the main difficulty with no or little practice is not lack of time, but deciding to do it. “When we decide to do it, we find that we will make time.” If you don’t have the time to practice the entire form, pick a couple of postures and work on those. After enough repetitions, you should start to feel confident and comfortable executing them.

One caveat: it’s important that you are practicing the postures and/or form correctly. It’s better to do a few exercises well rather than a lot of them badly. As I mentioned in an earlier blog on muscle memory, be sure to pay attention to your instructor’s corrections. Bad habits are very hard to break.

As for instructors or advanced practitioners, they should commit to daily practice (most days of the week if daily is not possible) for many years in order to become proficient and be able to offer their students all the wonderful mental, spiritual, and physical benefits Tai Chi has to offer!

The best thing about Tai Chi or Qigong is that you can do it as often as you want. The more you practice, the faster you’ll learn. And, best of all, unlike more strenuous exercises, if you stay within your comfort zone, you won’t need a day to recover!

However, don’t practice if you are truly distracted, tired, or sick. When we feel depleted (mentally, spiritually, or physically), we are at greater risk for injury. We all need time to restore our energy by resting.

Bottom line: the more you practice, the faster you will master the postures and/or form and reap the benefits. Do what you have time to do because some practice is much better than none at all.

Tai Chi is a journey not an end point. Once you master the postures and the form, there is so much more you can learn.

To quote Howard Gibbon (instructor for over 40 years): “Consistent unhurried practise of Tai Chi wins every time.”

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What Do We Mean by Muscle Memory in Tai Chi?

“Muscle Memory” is something we frequently hear in Tai Chi or any martial arts instruction. It can actually apply to any psycho-motor skill, meaning the muscle(s) automatic and predictable reaction to stimulus as a response to repetitions of a set of muscular actions. Because the brain becomes so familiar with doing a movement or posture, the delay between impulse and execution is very quick. Or as some instructors put it: the muscles remembered what to do!

But do they? Muscles don’t just know what to do on their own! Perhaps “motor memory” is a more accurate phrase because it is your brain that tells your muscles what to do. Muscle memory is considered by some to be preconscious - what happens before the conscious mind is aware. In practice, we are re-wiring our nervous system. This is a good thing if your health and circulation improves and you become more alert and aware.

Frequently, new students notice that their new movements are not as smooth, accurate, or visually pleasing as their instructor. That’s because the instructor has repeated this movement many times and the connection between the muscle(s) and the brain has developed the appropriate memory pattern or map.

Effective learning takes focus and many repetitions in order to develop the “memory map” which enables you to perform the movement accurately once the stimulus is present and the brain has sent the signal to the muscles. Once you reach that point, the brain automatically controls the muscles and executes the correct movement smoothly The more time you spend on dedicated practice, the faster you develop that brain-muscle memory/map.

As all new students (or even seasoned ones learning a new form or posture) realize, execution also takes a lot of thinking. At times, they feel overwhelmed trying to learn and perform a sequence or posture while at the same time, coordinating their hands and feet. And don’t forget about weight placement, posture direction (including turns), and where to look - all at the same time. If one persists and enough repetitions are performed, progress is almost guaranteed.

As we discussed in an earlier blog, intention, awareness, and attention are very important components in Tai Chi. You also need to be able to visualize a posture, or how can you perform it?

Refinement of both postures and sequences takes a bit longer and can be frustrating as progress is usually quite a bit slower than early on. Even though it takes longer, this refinement is vital in order to eliminate any bad/incorrect habits, postures, and potentially harmful errors. The goal is to make the necessary adjustments to the memory map we created early on so that we establish a more stable mapping foundation.

Now focus moves from learning the mechanics to being able to execute of the posture and sequence smoothly, while being relaxed and letting it flow without interruption, while at the same time avoiding unnecessary movements. We learn to recognize when our movement or postures don’t quite feel right and to make some of the necessary adjustments ourselves. Thinking critically and having body awareness is essential in this phase of learning.

Be sure to pay attention and listen carefully to your instructor’s corrections. Taking notes is not a bad idea (usually right after class) and repeat the posture or movement as soon as possible after you leave the class. Don’t wait too long to ensure that it stays in your long term memory. This can help you learn faster and avoid ingraining bad or potentially dangerous habits into your form.

Is that all we need to learn? Is “muscle memory” the answer to great form?

Unfortunately, there is a downside to “muscle memory” which can happen when you have learned and are comfortable with the postures and movements. There is a danger of just going through the motions while your mind is elsewhere. Your movements may be precise and expertly executed but they lack feeling or Shen. There is little to no integration between the mind,body, and spirit. Tai Chi depends on our conscious engagement with each movement.

Once muscle memory/map is achieved and retained, this is only the first step. Now it’s time to concentrate on the internal integration and to develop sensory awareness in order to advance and attain true mind-body-spirit integration. It is essential to feel what is happening inside you each moment and engage in the “multi-dimensional awareness that is inaccessible in memory, muscle or otherwise.” This requires that you slow down and pay attention to what is happening inside your body as well as outside. Otherwise, Tai Chi becomes just a pretty dance.

As you see, muscle memory (mapping or motor memory) is only the beginning of your Tai Chi journey. That is not to say it’s less important than other steps. As Morihei Ueshiba (Aikido founder) once advised: “Make the technique a part of your body before you move on.”

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Pandemic Stress Disorder/Symptoms

Throughout human history, pandemics have killed millions of people. Most of us probably expected that medical advances today would have prevented this. Not in the case of Covid-19 (Coronavirus)! The US mortality rate spiked by nearly 23%. Some of these deaths were a direct result of Covid-19, while others were due to the traumatic stress of the pandemic.

As we discussed in my July 11, 2021 blog, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Syndrome (PTSD/PTSS), is not limited to veterans. Post-Covid-19, many people are experiencing Pandemic Stress Disorder or Pandemic Stress Symptoms which are the same or similar to PTSD/PTSS. Unfortunately, just as with PTSD/PTSS, many people are either unaware of the pandemic’s impact on them or refuse or delay seeking help.

Often, the stress from dealing with the pandemic is ongoing. Unfortunately, it can reduce a person’s immune system’s ability to fight off infections, making them more vulnerable to illness and disease. Devastating effects included fatal heart attacks, stroke, and cancer. Common post-Covid symptoms range from chronic insomnia, mood and anxiety issues, high blood pressure stress, depression, anxiety, and various physical health issues. Few mental health studies among hospitalized patients have yet been published. But we now know that hospitalized patients who were stable had a 96.2% incidence of Pandemic Stress Symptoms (PSS).

Because COVID disproportionately affects older adults, they had to take more precautions than younger populations. Many Seniors suffered from social isolation, loneliness, and overall mental health issues. According to the Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Science (CATSS) at the University of Minnesota, the impact was even more profound in people with sensory loss (hearing and/or vision).

According to an August 2020 study by the CDC via a US web-based survey, 40.9% of 5,000 adults surveyed had at least 1 adverse mental or behavioral health problem attributed to the pandemic. Survivors are often left with significant emotional and physical problems, as well as economic problems. According to a recent article by Liz Szabo, of Kaiser Health News, most of the public health impact was due to economic disparity, with 11.3% of Americans living in poverty compared to 10.7% in January 2020. There is a definite link between poverty and health, be it physical, mental, or spiritual.

According to Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps The Score, in 1872 Charles Darwin wrote about body-brain connections. In The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, Darwin asserts that intense emotions involve the mind, gut, and heart. Dr. Van Der Kolk states that the communication between mind and body has largely been ignored by Western science and medicine. However, it has been central to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and India, as well as other parts of the world. Western science is just starting to understand it’s impact on trauma and recovery.

This is where mind-body exercises, such as Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and meditation can help by reducing, managing, and even possibly avoiding stress and anxiety. Mind-body practices such as Tai Chi and Qigong strengthen the immune system, while having a positive impact on both the nervous system and mood regulating hormones.

In addition, mind-body exercises increase self-awareness, which helps us to observe what is going on inside our bodies as we move, breathe, and go about our day. Connection between our mind and our body is vital in order to be aware of, and appropriately act on the sensations we are feeling. The technical term for not being aware of what is going on inside your body is “alexithymia”. Being aware is also important in order to navigate through your life safely and mindfully. This awareness has been shown to be vital step in the journey towards healing from trauma.

The upside (if there is one) of the pandemic is that people are valuing family and friends more. Many have decided to drop out of the rat race, or at least slow down. They are learning to do what makes them happy and become less materialistic. Many have turned to nature and mind-body exercises and/or meditation to decrease stress and tension in order to improve their lives.

This is a great time to do something positive for your mind and your body. If you haven’t already, give Tai Chi or Qigong a try. If you are already a practitioner, it might be wise to step up your practice. You have everything to gain!

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Syndrome

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month was celebrated in June. PTSD is considered a mental health condition which deeply affects your enjoyment of life. Most people associate PTSD with the military, combat, and wars because veterans do have the highest risk (over 23.1 percent). In fact, as of 2011 (according to Bill Douglas, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tai Chi and Qigong), 89 percent of VA Hospitals offer therapies such as Tai Chi and meditation in order to help Vets deal with these issues!

Do you know that it is not only combat that causes PTSD? In general, about 8.7 percent of the population is at risk for PTSD. According to Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, trauma happens to us, our family, our friends, and our neighbors. This could range from sexual molestation, beating by a parent, physical violence, to growing up in an alcoholic or abusive/violent homes, any many situations in between.

While most of us have events in our lives that we find traumatic, the trauma is usually short lived. However, other traumatic events can be long lasting and have debilitating effects. At times they may even negatively affect our ability to function normally. Research has shown that trauma produces actual physiological changes (especially in our brain’s alarm system) in our bodies resulting in an increase in stress hormone secretion. As well, trauma affects the filters which help us determine whether information is relevant or not. Unfortunately, trauma leaves an imprint (often permanent) on our minds, our brains, and our bodies!

People may suffer flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Intrusive thoughts cause difficulties with concentration. Some suffers turn to drugs and/or alcohol abuse. There are several different methods of dealing with/treating PTSD; for example, support groups, Tai Chi, Qigong, meditation, yoga, physical therapy, and psychological therapy.

Scientists have recently discovered that Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and other mind-body practices actually help people with PTSD. A 2013 meta-analysis in the Journal of Investigative Medicine showed that mind-body practices are becoming more frequently used to treat PTSD symptoms, because they have been shown to reduce anxiety, depression and anger. These practices can also increase self-esteem, energy, relaxation, and can provide a coping mechanism when a situation(s) get stressful. Mind-body practices have become an effective intervention and an important part of ongoing self-care.

Anecdotal evidence and research has shown the benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong in treating PTSD. Tai Chi is moving meditation. It can help by calming the mind and promoting mindfulness (being aware of what is happening inside you), and improving sleep. You learn to focus on slow breathing, along with slow, rhythmic movement. Physically, it improves flexibility and strength. Tai Chi and/or Qigong lowers your blood pressure and heart rate. While not everyone can meditate, with a good instructor, they can do Tai Chi and/or Qigong.

One of the great things about Tai Chi and/or Qigong practice is if space or location are not appropriate or available, you can practice in your mind. No equipment needed!

Unfortunately, many people live with PTSD for years for years, including decades before seeking help. This is why it’s important to bring awareness to the forefront regarding the prevalence of PTSD and the availability of effective treatment options.

In the next blog, we will take a look at Post-Covid Pandemic Stress Disorder!

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What Does Imagination Have to Do With Intention?

Have you been told that in Tai Chi you should imagine walking like a cat (lion or tiger)? This advice actually comes from the Tai Chi Chuan Classic. But what does it mean? It indicates that you should be walking softly, lightly, and quietly while transferring your weight from a full (substantial) foot to an empty (insubstantial) one and back. But no pouncing!!! Like the flow of a stream or river, it’s continuous and smooth.

The other phrase you may frequently hear is like “pulling silk from a cocoon”. Where does your imagination take you now? Movements that are gentle? Circular? Slow, cautious pressure in order to prevent breakage? Continuous, for sure! This is a great analogy and description of Tai Chi at its best!

According to Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi, “research shows that positive intention and imagery can significantly influence the brain and many physiological functions.” Imagining a movement actually engages the same parts of your brain as actually moving! Therefore, mental training or rehearsing (even without physical movement) can improve performance, as well as change brain function and structure and muscle activation and function. Western mind-body research shows that intention affects movement and neuromuscular physiology. Therefore, even better results were demonstrated by incorporating both imagery and intention along with body (muscle) movements.

Imagination and visualization help us remember the moves in the form, as well as conceptualizing the path of a meridian or channel. It is important to realize that this is different from intent.

Imagination uses a different part of your brain than intent. We can imagine many “different aspects of our energy”. However, keep in mind that when using imagination, your mind more or less pretends to move the Qi and there is little to no blood flow. The mind (intent) is what is needed to move the Qi energy/flow.

One downfall of imagination or visualization is that what is being created by your mind may not match reality. Students often imagine their feet or body parts are in the correct position and find that they are not. It is also possible to incorrectly lead your energy. Unfortunately, if one overdoes imagination, this may prevent actual mind/body connection and we can get caught up in our heads. Therefore, it is important to use imagination or visualization only as a guide. It is very important to always be aware of your body’s sensations and what it is experiencing.

If you use intent but not imagination, you can integrate sensory information called “catching the feeling of Qi”. Some experts feel that this is essential for controlling Qi energy flow throughout the body. Richard Leirer of the Qigong Academy feels that imagination inhibits Qi discovery and the process of Qi movement. It is important to consciously direct our energy. Of course, in order to master Qi energy manipulation, you must have a clear perception of the Qi.

Qi energy is considered a force of nature that needs to be felt. Catching the feeling of Qi can be either easy or complicated depending on your Qi sensitivity. Qi can feel electrical or like pressure or flow running through your body. Qi has also been described as a hot or cold feeling, or even like something in your body is moving you. Some practitioners feel it almost immediately, while for others it may take years. In reality, most practitioners fall somewhere in the middle. Once you feel it, you can fairly easily guide it throughout your body on most days. There will most likely be other days that for some reason, your Qi may feel blocked or sluggish! This may have to do with your emotions, your health, or various other issues. Do not give up! Keep positive and it will most likely return.

By now you may wonder, what does imagination have to do with intention? They interact!

It takes intention, awareness, visualization and imagination to create a true mind/body connection. Skill directing energy requires conscious awareness of it. Once conscious awareness is achieved, we can truly sense and direct our Qi.

Keep in mind that it is important to know when and how to use awareness, imagination/visualization, and intention in your practice. Here’s a brief (hopeful helpful) guide: First have awareness of the energy, then use visualization or imagination in order to know where you want to direct that energy, and now use intention to “gently” lead the energy.

Obviously, all of this takes practice and patience. Enjoy the journey. It is truly worth the effort!

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Moving with Intention, Attention, and Awareness in Tai Chi and Qigong

As Tai Chi practitioners (hopefully) know, our movements are controlled by intent. Intention requires both attention and awareness.

While this intent is not visible, it is the key to the practitioner’s success. As we learned in a previous blog, intent is not easy to understand. However, there are a couple of great Tai Chi Classic sayings that I think may help us understand intent more clearly: “First on the mind, later, on the body.” or “First, the intent moves, later, the power follows.”

It is the mind that brings intention (YI) and awareness into harmony. As stated in The Tai Chi Effect, 2021 Taijiquan Guide, “if intention is the mind’s output, then awareness is its input.”

When you focus your attention on or in your body, Qi (energy) is sent to that area. This focused attention may even cause the temperature of that area to rise. You may also feel a vibration, electrical impulse, or a myriad of different sensations.

Your intent controls all the physiologic functions inside and outside of your body. Your intent also guides the circulation of Qi internally. Bottom line: if there is no inside (internal) movement, there should be no movement outside the body! First step is to develop awareness. Once you reach a point where your body is relaxed and you feel and understand that it is not your muscles and joints, but your mind that causes your body to move, you will have begun to develop awareness.

Sounds hard? Well, it depends on your sensitivity, and it may take some time. Be patient!

Be sure to focus your awareness internally, not externally. You should then become more sensitive to what is happening in your body. Then, and only then, can your attention become intention, at which point you may start to feel your internal energy (Qi). Here’s a suggested exercise to help us experience a sense of awareness:

Sit in a chair and place your attention (mentally) on the spot where your chair and your body meet. Now, with your eyes closed, feel the chair. Is it soft or hard? Do you feel any tension? How about the temperature of your body or the chair? Is it cold or hot? You may even pick out other sensations as you become more sensitive. At some point, you may even notice that the point where your body ends and the chair begins to blur. Pretty cool, huh?

In the same way, when we practice Tai Chi, it is important to feel the subtle changes, sensations, and Qi flow. This will make us more aware of what is happening inside our bodies, such as our joints and body moving as a unit. We should then be able to feel any tension we are holding or any pain in one or more parts of our body. When we move with awareness, our mind begins to gather all this data and we get a clearer picture of both our body and our mind.

Keep in mind that negative emotions will restrict the cultivation of intent. A calm, focused, and positive mind will assist in the cultivation of intent.

Remember that intent or Yi will not magically appear. It must be cultivated by daily practice in our daily activities and, especially, when practicing form.

In our next blog, we will look at how imagination relates to intention and awareness.

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What Does it Mean to Move With Intention?

According to Deepak Chopra, “Everything that happens in the Universe starts with Intention.” There are many different levels and kinds of intention. Without intention, we just observe the world. Intent is not mystical. However, it is a bit vague and somewhat difficult to explain.

In both Tai Chi and Qigong, Qi (energy) is moved through the meridians in the body by using the mind. The blood following the Qi flow is considered to be the source of great health benefits. Intention commands all movement, without intention movement is nothing and vice versa. As the ancient practitioners and masters have said for many years “The mind leads the Qi”. When intention (also known as Yi and Qi move spontaneously, they are in harmony.

Moving with internal and external intention is considered a essential ingredient in Tai Chi and Qigong. Every movement is executed with purpose and focused awareness. If you practice form and mentally detach, you are not doing Tai Chi nor Qigong and your mind isn’t engaged in the purpose of the movement. Intention (Yi or the mind) leads the Qi which moves the body according to Tai Chi Classics!

For those of you who have seen Man of Tai Chi, remember the Master’s warning about letting Qi control you rather than the other way around!

Intention can be considered the daily unspoken, non-verbal commands we give our minds and bodies. We simply do things without words or commands. What we are trying to do in Tai Chi or Qigong is to feel the intention that our brain or central nervous system sends to us in order to move. In order to consciously feel the intention, we need to slow down our movements. This makes our mind and body more sensitive to feeling the intention.

As we learn to recognize and feel our intention, we become more sensitive to it and can refine it’s energetic quality. The goal is to develop a focused mind which keeps us engaged with our movements as well as improving our posture. We then become more aware of any changes in our balance or tension in our bodies. This will allow us to make needed adjustments before they are problematic. We also learn to quiet our mind, concentrate on a deeper level, and discover the stillness within us.

Sometimes Yi is also called Yi Nian. Yi is considered intent and Nian means to study or train. Together they mean thinking and studying the Qi movements in your body. If both the intent is strong and the body mechanics are correct, the Qi will flow and the strength of the body will also improve. Remember that intent needs to be strong in order for the Qi to flow!!!

To give you a more martial interpretation, consider this. When an attacker punches you, it would be highly unusual for them to leave. They may then grab you or a part of your body, and last but not least, attempt to get you off balance and bring you to the ground. Just as their intent changes, your intent must shift with the changing situation. Unless you have developed strong Yi (or intention) you will not be able to react effectively!

As written in the old Tai Chi Classics: “When the Qi is not there, the intent is already there.

Bottom line here: It is essential to build a strong Yi or intention in order for the Qi to flow!

Next week we will discuss Intention, Attention, and Imagination for the internal arts practitioner! Stay tuned!

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How Does the Practice of Tai Chi Benefit Your Brain?

Did you know that changes in your brain start around age 50 and can negatively affect your memory? These changes impact other cognitive functions such as multitasking, rapid information processing, detailed focus, and more!

By age 70, one in six people have mild cognitive impairment. Unfortunately, without some intervention on your part, brain shrinkage naturally happens as you age. Dementia (as well as Alzheimer’s disease) is preceded by increasing brain shrinkage and the loss of nerve cells and their connections.

In the past, it was believed that the brain could not grow nor produce new cells or connections. Thankfully, research in the last 20 years, has shown that the brain can grow new cells, increase in size, make new connections, as well as preserve critical regions of the brain.

Can we do anything to reduce the shrinkage, delay it, or reverse it?

According to researchers in both East Asian and Western medicine, Tai Chi can help improve brain function and cognition. Consistent Tai Chi practitioners have even increased gray matter in the brain by 40%. Tai Chi actually helps you retain more information, improves your focus, and helps you make informed (not snap) decisions faster. This is because it “exercises” the brain through deep, focused mental concentration, motor learning, and meditation, which, in turn causes the brain to release growth factors which stimulate brain growth.

The growth of brain cells (which are responsible for memory and thinking) usually slow down as we get older. Some researchers believe that it’s Tai Chi’s continuous and sustained attention at a high level which could be the reason for the improvements. They also credit Tai Chi’s increased oxygen and blood flow to the brain, as well as increased number of nerve cells sending messages to and from the brain and body, as being responsible for the cognitive improvement.

Researchers in both South Florida and Shanghai determined that Tai Chi not only increased brain size and improved thinking, but improved memory as well. In this (which is just one of many) 2012 study, the Tai Chi group experienced significant increases in brain volume as shown on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and neuro-psychological measures, such as memory and thinking tests.

Numerous studies and meta-analyses demonstrated that the Tai Chi groups showed the greatest improvements, greatest increase in brain volume, and better performance on cognitive tests. In people without cognitive impairment, Tai Chi can improve executive function, which governs multitasking, time management, and decision making. For those with mild cognitive impairment, Tai Chi can slow progression and improve cognitive function.

Even though it is low impact, Tai Chi has the same benefit as much more intensive exercises when it comes to memory and concentration. Meaning it can be practiced by people of all ages and most physical conditions!

Ideally, regular Tai Chi practice should start when you are young, and continue through “your aging years”. I can’t think of a better way to keep your brain healthy, growing, and prevent (or at least delay) the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease!

If this isn’t a compelling reason to begin or continue to practice Tai Chi, I don’t know what is!

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What Is Body Awareness and Why is it Important?

Body awareness means different things to different people. To some it means the physical appearance of their body. Some associate it with how their body feels. Here’s a question: do you know where your upper and lower limbs are without looking at them? I have students tell me that they think their feet (for example) are in a certain place and when they look down, the picture in their mind is different from their actual position!

Since the late 1970s,much research has been done on the benefits of mindfulness and awareness. Important benefits are pain reduction, immune function improvement, increased rates of healing, and better interpersonal (and intra-personal) relationships. Mind-body exercises (such as Tai Chi and Qigong) train the body and the mind to be more resilient, self-aware, coordinated, and balanced. Practitioners are more attuned with their deeper feelings and emotions and enjoy an improved sense of well-being.

In an earlier blog, we discussed proprioception. Proprioception is your ability to sense the position of your body in space, which involves conscious sensation (muscle sense), total posture (postural equilibrium), and segmental posture (joint stability). In this blog, we are going to discuss internal awareness - being aware of moment-to-moment sensations and movements of and in your body!

When our mind observes an object clearly in the present moment, this is called awareness. Awareness is probably the most fundamental and important ingredient underlying the learning and practicing of Tai Chi and/or Qigong. Without awareness, you will be unable to focus attention on the movements and flows of Qi long enough to truly benefit from your practice.

In today’s busy, complex, and ever-changing world, it is difficult to maintain or achieve inner awareness. In Tai Chi and/or Qigong, you learn to look inside your body, mind, and spirit in order to improve the quality of your life. One of the most difficult things to learn is to not only pay attention to your energy, but your breathing, emotions and the feelings inside your body. Most people are not accustomed to paying attention to what is happening inside their bodies, how they are breathing, what emotions they feel, or how much energy they have. We need to connect with our mind and our spirit. Taoists consider this “making the body conscious”.

When we move our bodies in practice, it is essential that we become aware and mindful of the “feeling” of the movements. We focus on the present and mentally engage with what our body is doing, what emotions are present, and what sensations we feel. Unless you maintain continuous, moment-to-moment awareness within your body, you won’t be able to feel or control energy, nor will you be able to develop “control, fine and refined motor skills.” Awareness also allows us to manage “distracting thoughts and mental chatter”. This helps us avoid what is known as “monkey mind”. …when we have excessive distractions and keep our focus on external happenings, or focus on the past and the future, instead of the present! A 2010 study by Harvard professors actually determined that the more your mind wanders, the more unhappy you are!

Tai Chi and/or Qigong practice does not allow room for our minds to wander or spend time on multi-tasking! We learn to focus but without judging or overthinking! Only then, can we “tune in” to our body and feel subtle shifts and changes within. If there is tension in the joints, spine, internal organs, etc., we become aware and are able to let go of the tension. We are also aware of our energy, any balance issues, our alignment, or any restrictive breathing. This awareness allows us to deeply concentrate, relax our minds, and be still. Of course, this awareness and focus is also vital in any martial arts as one needs to be aware and sensitive to themselves and their opponent.

Once you understand and develop awareness, in order to improve your health and reduce your stress, you will also have to learn how to use that awareness to your benefit. Focused attention and awareness can play a part in improving any musculoskeletal conditions and may even help to prevent problems before they occur. You become aware of which postures or movements cause pain in your practice as well as in your day-to-day life.

Slow (not fast) and deliberate movements allows us to intentionally focus our mind and be more aware of the sensitivity and sensations present in our minds and body systems. When practicing, try moving in a slow but even pace with precise detail. The benefit will be calm mind and a relaxed, beautiful, flowing form.

Awareness and mindfulness are not easy and take some time to achieve. A good place to start is by taking a break for a few minutes each day from all the external stress, chaos, aggravations, and take time to focus internally. Listen and be aware of your body, your emotions, your breathing, energy flow, and your tension. Now carry that same awareness into your Tai Chi or Qigong practice and daily life. You will learn to respond more clearly and effectively to any situation that may arise.

This is only the first step towards learning to move your body with your mind (brain and central nervous system), not your muscles. This is a great time to get started. You will be pleasantly surprised as to what a positive impact body awareness and mindfulness will have on your entire life!

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