What are Baoding or Chinese Medicine Balls?

Perhaps you’ve seen, or you own a pair of small, Chinese Medicine Balls, aka: Baoding (pronounced Bow-Ding)Balls, Relaxation Balls, Worry Balls, Zen Meditation Balls or Tai Chi Health Balls. You can find them online, at a store carrying Asian products, or at times, you can even find them in antique shops. They fit in the palm of your hand and are often decorated in attractive symbols, characters, and/or colors. They may even have the Yin Yang symbol on them indicating that they aim to promote health and longevity.

Baoding Balls today come in many different weights, textures, designs, and materials. They can be made of marble, stone, jade, copper, semiprecious stones, wood, chrome,and agate. The stone balls must handle them carefully, or they may crack or chip. Of course, solid balls are much heavier than hollow ones and improve hand strength better.

There are also hollow, steel or bamboo balls that chime when you manipulate them. The gentle, pleasant chiming while we manipulate the Baoding Balls adds another dimension to our relaxation and meditative state. When you buy a chiming set of Baoding Balls, one ball will often have a lower tone (Yin) and the other will have a higher tone (Yang).

Not all Baoding Balls have smooth surfaces. Some have small bumps on them which is thought to improve blood circulation. They also come in different sizes usually ranging from 35 mm to 100 mm in diameter. Some balls are actually only 1 inch. Beginners might best to start with smaller balls, although it depends on the size of your hands. There are those who prefer smaller balls, rather than medium or large, and see no reason to change.

Chinese Baoding (or meditation) Balls have been around since the Ming Dynasty of China. They are said to originate about 2,000 years ago in Baoding, a small town in North China. For this reason, they are sometimes called “Baoding treasures”. Baoding Balls were/are used by people of every class and age. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty used Baoding Balls daily and credited his longevity to his Baoding Ball practice.

Prior to the creation of Baoding Balls, both soldiers and the Chinese public used walnuts to roll around in their hands for hand exercises. Evidently, the original Baoding Balls were iron and were used as both weapons and for hand exercise. Some Chinese Doctors continue to recommend Baoding Balls for patients suffering from fatigue and poor or stagnation of Qi flow.

There are several acupuncture points and therapeutic pressure points in your palm - one being the Lao Gong. When you rotate the balls in your hand, these acupuncture points(and accompanying meridians) are stimulated.

I’m sure you are all familiar with “fitget” toys and rings, etc. Or perhaps you are more familiar with soft stress balls. These also may help relieve anxiety and calm the mind.

So how do we use the Baoding Balls? You move your Baoding Balls in one hand by pushing with your fingers and wrist. As you roll the two Baoding balls in a circular motion, the positions constantly switch and maintain contact with your hand. At the very least, you are exercising your hand muscles, as well as improving your hand strength and dexterity. I have included several YouTube videos to check out if you are interested.





So when would we use our Baoding Balls? I guess that all depends on your reason for doing the exercises and your goal. For stress relief or relaxation, doing them any time you can during the day or at bedtime. For physically therapeutic reasons, you can do them as often as you desire. Once you have achieved a level of proficiency, you may be able to manipulate them without allowing them to touch each other. You can also rotate the balls in the opposite direction. You can even move them slower or faster.

Options: Buy 2 pair and do both hands at the same time. You can also do short drills (either fast or slow) daily or several times a day. Or you can do a longer session. It’s totally up to you!

Some experienced Baoding Ball handlers can actually use 3 -5 balls at one time. This is an excellent way to improve your dexterity and concentration while you strengthen your hands!

Important benefits of using Baoding Balls:

  • improved brain function, blood circulation, memory, sleep, internal energy flow, and muscle relaxation,

  • stress and anxiety reduction,

  • improved flow of synovial fluid to your joints,

  • improved finger dexterity, fine motor skills, and range of motion,

  • release from anxious or worrisome thoughts,

  • exercises the muscles in your hands, tendons, arms, and wrists!

  • May help those with ADHD or Autism.

  • May improve carpal tunnel, trigger finger, arthritis, and many more hand and finger conditions.

  • The hand and finger exercises are believed to train the mind to “use the hands with deftness and patience.”

    My advice (unsolicited): Try Baoding Balls (they are usually inexpensive) and you will see that the exercises are both fun and easy to do! It doesn’t matter whether you go fast or slow, USE THEM!

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